Friday Night Live: Discovering Devin Tyler Thoreson at Bob's Inn in Kaukauna
Had an awesome Friday night checking out Devin Tyler Thoreson at Bob's Inn in Kaukauna! 🎸 This one-man show knows how to bring the party with a mix of country, rock, and plenty of humor. If you haven’t seen him yet, you’re missing out—so grab a drink and catch one of his shows soon!"
Thursday Night Vibes: Kip Jones Band Takes Over Northland Sports Bar
Join us for an unexpected treat as the Kip Jones Band takes over Northland Sports Bar! Great music, awesome friends, and fantastic vibes.
AudioChonk Band at Waverly Beach
AudioChonk Band at Waverly Beach
A stop out at Waverly Beach to check out the band AudioChonk Band. The bar has had some major updates, to say the least. This is going to be a fun place for bands and a great place to be for next summer. The whole bar has garage doors that can be opened to let the fresh air in! The crowd seemed pretty light for the band. I figured there would be more people out to see the band and the bar. The crowd that was there was ready to tear it up. I put together a video with some small video clips as well as a photo slideshow included. Make sure to check out all the photos and more on the WiParty Photo Gallery. If you are looking for things to do every week check out
What a blast! The 2022 Bago Barge & Beach Bash was a success! So many people to thank for their help with this year's event. My crew did an outstanding job setting up and preparing the barge for launch and helped to tear it down and get us back before the storms came in.  The Hefter's for supporting this event and working to get our amazing sponsors. This year's sponsors were Mercury Racing, 5G Benefits, Muthig Industries, Wrightway Builders, Holiday Automotive, 95.1 Radio. We should all be appreciative of the companies that make it possible to have these parties on the water and provide us with some great options for live entertainment. Andrea from Mercury Racing came to watch the show and support the event. It is a pleasure to have our sponsors come out and see the impact that they give to our boating community.
This year we had the super talented Sam Guyton come back with his father Marcell and the Rythm Kings band. Watching and listening to them was so much fun. They got the crowd pumped up from start to finish. This father and son pair are a joy to be around. It's super cool how they share the love. Marcell had on a white t-shirt with I Love You Dad written on the front of the shirt. He told us later that it was a shirt Sam made for him over 20 years ago. I thought that was really cool! It was an all-around great day. I ran into so many people that were just having a blast and told me how happy they were to have an event like this. It's always nice to receive feedback like that.
We got very lucky with the weather! It was a beautiful day during the entire show. On the way back we were a little ways from the Yacht Club when it started to rain. By the time we got the barge and pontoon up on the trailer. It was a downpour with crazy winds. The crew got soaked but didn't miss a beat. Everything got loaded and we pulled out and got home all in one piece. Overall it was an amazing day, filled with awesome people and fantastic music. Thanks to everyone that came out! Our sponsors, support team and I hope you had a fun and memorable day out on the water!
I have some sample photos below and over 300 photos on the Wiparty Photo Gallery for you to check out and download or purchase. I also have put together a video with some small video clips as well as the photo slideshow included. If you are looking for things to do every week check out
Bago Barge & Beach Bash - Photo Gallery Slide Show
Bago Barge & Beach Bash Videos with Photo Slide Show.
THUNDERSTUCK by Bonfire tribute band! This was a hell of a show. I have been trying to get out to see them at Willie Beamon's for a while now. I finally made it happen and got some good videos and photos for any of you that missed it. We got there a little late and were surprised to see the band had not hit the stage yet. We hung out for a while and someone told us they were running late because one of the band members broke his leg the night before. As I was shooting sure enough one of the guitar players had an air cast on his leg and was sitting bown with an egg crate under his feet. What a trooper! These guys are a lot of fun to see! I have some sample photos below and around 170 photo's on the Wiparty Photo Gallery for you to check out and download or purchase. I also have put together a video with some small video clips as well as the photo slideshow included. If you are looking for things to do every week check out
We made a quick run to see Mistrial Band a Jones Park in Appleton for the Thursday Night Concert. The crowd was still pretty strong considering all the other events going on including Paperfest. It was a great night for some live music outside. I have some sample photos below and around 110 photos on the Wiparty Photo Gallery for you to check out and download or purchase. I also have put together a video with some small video clips as well as the photo slideshow included. If you are looking for things to do every week check out
Family Fun for All: Grand Union Band Performs at Jones Park
My daughter has become a fan of country music. Being able to take her to Jones Park to see a band was a nice change of pace. The Grand Union Band was playing the Thursday night concert series for Downtown Appleton. It really is a magnificent venue. The park is set up very nicely for live music. The park is set in a ravine so you walk down into the park on the North side. They have a large set of steps as well as a ramp to get you down to the park. You will need to get an ID bracelet for $5 if you want to drink alcohol. We bought this on the West side of the park by the pavilion. You can walk to the East side of the park. Where they had beer sales and a series of food trucks. Again the park has a great setup for live music venues and can handle a lot of people. It was a great night and my daughter thought it was fun. Which says a lot for a teenage girl to say. I have some sample photos below and around 90 photos on the Wiparty Photo Gallery for you to check out and download or purchase. I also have put together a video with some small video clips as well as the photo slideshow included. If you are looking for things to do every week check out