Sunday Funday on the Taqener Klozov Formula

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Sunday Funday with the Taqener Klozov Formula, we got an invite to go boating with our good friends the Wallace's. We meet up at the Pioneer Marina in Oshkosh and headed out to Streich's Beach. Captain John was sporting his Speed on the Water T-shirt. I commented on his shirt and he told me I had to see his Speed on The Water blanket. Turns out we are fans of Speed on the Water. It was a fantastic day and the water was nice and smooth. The 353 Fastech Formula cruised across the lake at about 70 and was super smooth. We got out to Streich's and anchored up than eat some food and watched everyone rolling in. One cool boat we noticed come in was a 2108 Chaparral 287 SXX. Very nice-looking rig with a very interesting looking tower. I walked over and got a chance to talk to the owner. Super nice guy! I asked about the tower and found out it was an electric folding tower. It folds forward and sits just above the window. Pretty cool design. We decided the crowd was getting a little too big and fired up the Formula and headed toward Terrell Island. John and Gina knew a cool little spot on the South end of Lake Butte Des Mortes just past Terrell. So we headed over there and meet up with Sean. Sean lives in the area and brought out his 28' Kryptonite with a 400HP Mercury Racing Outboard. What a fun boat! He tied up for a while and we all shot the shit. Talking about things on the Lake and noticed a rather cool house. Sean had us jump in his boat and took us for a little run to go past the house. This boat is like a go-kart and takes off like a shot. He told us the boat was going a little slow due to us weighing him down. It was a damn blast. We came back and decided we should all run up to Winneconne for some food. It was a quick run-up to Winneconne and we stopped in at the public docks. Then walked over to Langs Landing (The Landing) to get a beer. We ran into a few boating friends we knew. We all hung out on the deck at Lang's watching the boats and talking. We made a stop at Fin N Feather for a quick one and ran into more friends. We finally headed back and ran with Ryan & Molly in there Baja. We ran into a closed train bridge but snuck under and took a few minutes out to shoot some fun photos with the ladies and the Speed on the Water blanket. It was pretty funny we had a boatload of people circling us hoping for a good show. No such luck for them. Another awesome day on the water with friends! I hope you enjoy the photos and the small video we have!
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John sporting his Speed on the Water Shirt The real Captain 353 Fastech Formula TAQENER KLOZOV 2108 Chaparral 287 SXX 2108 Chaparral 287 SXX Auto Tower Our friend Scotty Our friend Genghis People so happy to see us Mercury Racing 400 Mercury Racing 400 behind a Kryptonite boat The Landing in Winneconne Sweet old Crestliner boat We found friends at The Landing Family Photos Ryan & Molly's Baja OUr friends Ryan & Molly The Speed on the Water Blanket The group watching us shoot photos of the blanket. Your friend Cody stopped by to say Hi! Another Speed on the Water Blanket Shot THE END