Social distance boating the new norm

Social distance boating the new norm. I am sure many of you have been itching to get on the boats, just like every year!  But with the Covid 19 and the stay at home order, I think it is 10 times worse.  We went out this last Saturday and it was very interesting.  Everyone has the same thing on their minds and rightfully so: Stay 6 feet away and keep cleaning your hands and everything you touch.  That is one good thing I guess with the boating world - it really can be your own space.  Jump in the boat with your home crew and get a mental break if only for a little while. It was a very welcome change of scenery.  We brought out a bunch of good food and some drinks. Made a little run to Streich's.  It was great to see old friends even at a distance.  It really helps to take the mental edge off.  I am not going to condone going out.  My belief is to use your common sense, keep your distance, keep cleaning everything including washing/sanitizing your hands. Use a zoom lens to take photos. Reality is we should be trying to clean and sanitize all the time.  Again just my opinion.   I am sure some of you will be mad that we went at all.  I understand and respect your opinions.   I do not take this virus lightly at all and feel horrible for the loss of life and for all the front line workers.  My hats off to all of you. 
I hope you enjoy the photos.  See Photo Gallery for more photos.