Johnny Wad Band Wisconsin
Johnny Wad comes to Menasha to rock the stage. After some diner, we went out to see the Johnny Wad band. It had been a while since I have seen them. Since they were in our backyard at Stone Toad. Figured we had to go get some pictures and check them out again. They are one of the older established bands in the area. They do a number of the best of the '80s and '90s. rock songs. This 4 piece band keeps you entertained for sure. Hard to believe the first time I saw them was at my friend's wedding back in 2004. They have always had good shows and I look forward to seeing them again. If you ever get a chance they do a killer Pink Floyd tribute show up in Green Bay at the Meyer theater. I checked it out a couple of years back. They do a fantastic job with sound and stage. Check out the video and photos from the show. I hope you enjoy them! See all the photos here! Looking for things to do this weekend?