4th of July on Lake Winnebago

See the over 129 photos -Photo Gallery - I pulled out the 25CR Crownline and got her back out on the water. With the bar pontoon we never got the old Crownline out last year. A little clean up a good oil change and a drive lube change. The old girl fired right up so we packed her up with cooler and headed for the water. Our friend Casey meet us and brought out his 25ft Sunsation. We wanted to stick around the North end of the lake to catch both the Neenah and Menasha Fireworks. We put in at City of Neenah Rec Park. I have never launched from here before and was a little worried about depth because we draw plenty of water with the Crownline. We had no issues at all the ramp was clean and deep enough with a nice textured concrete ramp and a nice slope. We dropped in and wanted to burn some fuel so we headed over to High Cliff. [360 view] We hung out and enjoyed the sun , food and drinks for about 2 hours. Than it was time to pull the anchors and head over to Waverly Beach. We pulled in and were surprised that there were not that many boats in the beach area. They had the band Stephen Cooper and The Nobody Famous band. We had a few drinks and some apps and stuck around till about 6 PM and headed out to go to Parker Johns up river in Menasha. Even though we stayed in between the markers on the entrance to the river. We still found rocks. Casey's Sunsation actually was stuck on the rocks. I had to pull him off and out of the channel. I had a little damage to props and some new scares to the skeg. Casey had some nice prop damage and skeg scars. All I can say if you have a bigger boat stay as close to the center of the river as you can and keep those drives up. With the rocks in this area there is no Mersey for your drives and props. So after the fiasco we headed onto the lake about a 1/2 mile from the boat launch. We went close to the boat launch hoping to see both Neenah and Menasha's Fireworks. We ordered Parker John's for diner and were hoping for delivery. But that was a no go. They only had one driver. So we sent a friend in to go get the food and she brought everything back out to the boats. Which worked out great! Watching the fireworks on the boat is still my favorite! I felt lucky and blessed to be able to sit out with my family and friends and enjoy the sky light up! We are so lucky to live in this country! I hope everyone else had an amazing night! I have some teaser photos for you below as well as a video of the fireworks from the boat. I hope you enjoy the photos! See all the photos - Photo Gallery