The Donald Trump Boat Parade in Oshkosh

See the over 200 photos -Photo Gallery - We got invited to go to the Trump Boat Parade. No, this website is not a political page but we do cover boating events. So before you yell at me about shooting this event let me know if you have something planned for a Biden Boat Parade send me an invite on your boat and I will be happy to come to shoot it. Now back to the day. We meet up with our friend Chris at the Pioneer Marina to launch the boat and head over to Asylum Bay on Lake Winnebago. With the winds coming out of the west at about 15mph it was a little rough. We ran in a pack of other boats heading over and ran with them up the lake. Took a little beating and had to pull some flags down before we got to the bay. As we came around the corner there were a load of boats pooling in the bay and driving around amongst each other. Chris drove us through the crowd and we hung around for about 15 minutes. Then we noticed a pontoon heading out and starting the parade. They were blasting "Proud To Be An American". Everyone started to follow and we headed along the west side of the lake with the group. I had Chris cut back and go against the grain to get some photos of everyone in the parade. I am not good at guessing numbers but would have to believe 150 - 200 boats. It really was a fun sight to see. Everyone was very friendly and seemed to be having a blast. Unfortunately, about 1/4 mile up we found a rock pile and heard that horrible grinding sound. Chris didn't want to even see the prop until later so we continued down to Streich's. I would say about 1/4 of the boats stopped in and tied up. The rest kept going down the lake. My understanding is they were going to run down towards Wendt's. We stopped and took the opportunity to take a look and the prop. Not so good. But he was prepared with another prop so we did the swap out. The waves were about 2' to 2 1/2' and the wind picked up allot. We had a friend call and said she was over at Terrell Island and the wind was not as bad. We broke from the parade and headed to Terell which was a good call - allot of boating friends we knew were there so we got to sit and enjoy time with friends and sunshine. We hung around till about 6pm and decided we need to get some supper. The crew all talked about heading to Winneconne to Biggers Supper Club. Off we went. The wind had calmed way down so it was a very nice ride into Winneconne. We had a nice dinner and a beautiful ride back to Oshkosh. Another fun day on the water. I hope you enjoy the photos and video. See all the photos - Photo Gallery
Donald Trump Boat Parade Donald Trump Boat Rally Donald Trump Boat Parade Boat with Trump Flags Donald Trump Boat Parade Donald Trump Boat Parade Trump Bikini Trump Shorts Donald Trump Floaty MERICA Donlad Trump Cut out Wisconsin Donald Trump Supporter Lake Winnebago Prop damage Boat Camping in Winneconne